A Healthy Heart For Healthy Life Heart disease is the...
Read MoreEECP treatment is administered through three sets of cuffs that are applied around the calves, thighs, and buttocks. The cuffs inflate and deflate synchronized with the heartbeat using an electrocardiograph (ECG). EECP increases blood flow to the heart while stimulating the formation of new collaterals pathways (small branches of blood vessels around the heart) to allow a natural bypass around narrowed or blocked arteries. EECP treatments are administered daily for one hour (Monday through Friday) for 7 continuous weeks resulting in years of benefit.
When your heart is relaxed (diastole phase), the cuffs inflate sequentially to increase oxygenated blood supply to the heart muscle.
When your heart beats (systole phase), the cuffs deflate, facilitating cardiac unloading.
EECP increases blood flow to the heart, while simultaneously stimulating the opening and formation of collaterals (small branches of blood vessels around the heart) to create a natural bypass around narrowed or blocked arteries. EECP treatments are administered as daily visits for one hour (Monday through Friday) for 7 continuous weeks.
Your heart needs oxygen to function properly, and when issues such as blocked arteries limit the flow of oxygenated blood back to the heart, it can lead to symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or fatigue. Notice the darkened areas in the following graphic? Those indicate blocked arteries.
One of Prashivyog main results is called collateral recruitment, which means the widening and creation of small blood vessels in the heart muscle. These new vessels improve the flow of healthy, oxygenated blood to all areas of the heart. See the squiggly lines forming? That’s indicative of new collateral vessels forming.
These small collateral blood vessels create “natural bypasses” around narrowed or blocked arteries to restore blood flow, relieve symptoms associated with heart disease, and return more oxygenated blood to the heart.
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